Sunday, October 2, 2016

Going to Florida for Vaycay??Stay Clear of the Zika!

During this past summer vacation i went on a cruise to Puerto Rico and a couple of other places. To get on the cruise i had to port in Florida. Well with it being almost 100 degrees in florida i wore shorts?Two days after being in Florida I noticed I had 2 mosquito on the lower back of my thigh! I was freaking out because I immediately thought i had be infected with the ZIKA!

As some of you may know this past summer there was a really bad case of the Zika virus in the United States. What in the world is a Zika virus? Well let me inform you my friend. The Zika virus is carried by an "Aedes" mosquito! Yes a mosquito. The last that we heard of an mosquito carrying a virus was the west nile case. But back to the subject at hand, one of everyone's favorite vacationing place, Florida, has been invaded by the Zika. But don't freak out, I'm here to tell you about where the zika has been,signs and symptoms of zika, and ways to prevent this virus.

The biggest case of Zika has been in the Miami, Florida area. Miami is a known city, it has plenty of tourist attractions,wonderful food, beautiful beaches. However tourist are not the only ones who wants a piece of the Miami life. According to the CDC "On August 19, CDC also issued guidance for a 1.5-square-mile section of Miami Beach identified to have mosquito-borne spread of Zika; on September 17, this section was expanded to a 4.5-square-mile area.".

Some signs and symptoms of zika are:
Joint pain

Conjunctivitis (red eyes)
While some people may have little to no symptoms of Zika, it really effects pregnant women. Zika can cause birth defects to an fetus. That is why travelers are alerted about the Zika virus when they are traveling to areas known to have the Zika. Not only can zika be transmitted from mosquito to person, or mother to fetus it can also be transmitted through sex and blood tranfusion.

How to prevent Zika?
You can use insect repellent. You can wear long sleeved clothing, the covers your arms and legs. Practice safe sex by using condoms. Pretty much just try not get bit by any mosquitoes. SWAT FOR YOUR LIFE!!!
 About Zika. (2016). Retrieved October 01, 2016, from 


  1. Thanks Ramallah! I hope your vacation went well beyond being worried for your life! I like the pictures in the background of your blog! Zika is scary and giving tips on using DEET and covering up is such a simple and effective prevention strategy. I hope to see some other great posts in the weeks to come!

  2. I really enjoyed how you made this blog personal. I also love the background, it fits in very well with your post! Hopefully you were able to enjoy your trip. I liked the advice, "SWAT FOR YOUR LIFE" that is so true! I really enjoyed your post!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I like how your background goes with your topic. I like how you made the blog personal. I did not know that the Miami/Florida area had a break out of the Zika virus. The information from the CDC was a great reference. Looking forward to your next topic.

  5. I didn't realize the Zika virus was that bad in FL. Kind of scary to think it is getting closer and closer to us! I'm interested to see what other diseases or viruses are coming our way.

  6. Zika is so scary to think about. Thank you for the suggestions on how to keep away from the mosquitos! Sharing personal experiences made the post so much more interesting.

  7. Ramallah,

    Being in HST 3700, I have learned quite a lot about the Zika virus. I did not know nearly as much as I should have and I am glad I do now. After the huge West Nile virus that spread like wild fire when we were younger, I think anyone freaks out when they get a mosquito bite. They are annoying more than anything. I am glad you did not contract the virus. I like your layout by the way, it compliments your blog posts on healthy travelling!

  8. Love the background of your blog! I had no idea of the zika virus in Florida, good looking out!

  9. Ramallah, I'm so glad that you included a post about the Zika virus on your blog! I am 8 months pregnant and about ready to pop! This summer, I was so scared that I was going to get bit by a mosquito and my baby was going to be affected. Thank you for posting about the symptoms and what exactly it is. I will be staying put in Mattoon for the remainder of my pregnancy! :)

  10. I like how you talked about Zika and what could happen if you come in contact with Zika. I wasn't aware that it was in Florida.
